Welcome to Bethany!
At our church, we think of ourselves as a family that loves to get together often for worship, fellowship, learning, and serving others. Why don’t you stop by on Sunday and check us out?
We’d love to have you!

Sunday Services
Worship: 10 AM Sundays
Adult Sunday School: 9 AM Sundays
Ministry for Kids
Children’s Sunday School – Ages 2 and up
Meets every Sunday morning during the school months from 9:00 to 9:45 am. The children learn about the Bible through games, crafts, videos, and more. The groups are divided by age (Nursery, Grade School, Jr/Sr High). While the kids are in Sunday School, adults are invited downstairs for an adult class.
Nursery – Up to 5 years old
We strive to provide young children with a safe, nurturing environment while their parents enjoy the regular worship service. The children are brought down to the sanctuary to participate in the service’s children’s time.
Children’s Church
Held during our Sunday service, the children receive the message of the day on their level, and are then dismissed from the sanctuary for “Junior Church.” They sing songs, share a Bible story, do crafts, play games, and just make friends.
Bethany’s Mission and Vision
The mission of Bethany Church of Richland is to be a Christ-centered, biblically supported church. Our goal is to reach and impact the community for the salvation of our neighbors. Our vision is that each member strives to be Christ-like, loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind. We will love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:36-40)
We’ll also go out into the community and teach the good news of Jesus the Christ, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19-20)