Worship Ministries


During each Sunday service, the children are called forth for their Bible message. The purpose is

  • To help children connect more deeply to God during the worship service.
  • Children’s Ministry was a priority for Jesus.
  • Children are the greatest mission field.
  • To invest time and resources where we will see the biggest harvest.

It’s also an opportunity for adults to learn from the children!

If you feel called to proclaim the message once a month, please call the church office to get on the schedule: (814) 266-9588


Leading the assembly in song, Bethany’s Choir is open to all ages. If you like to sing, or play an instrument, please consider joining this fun group. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm.


Standing before a worshiping congregation to lead them is a profound privilege, and careful preparation is a gift to God and to the worshiping congregation. Communication with the congregation occurs not only through the words we speak, but also in how we speak them, our facial expressions, the ways in which we use our voices, the position of our bodies, and the visuals of the setting in which worship occurs.

At Bethany Church, the Liturgist prepares by reading Sunday’s scripture the week before, praying through it for meaning and pronunciations. The Liturgist also prepares an Opening Prayer. The script reads as follows: Welcome, Announcements, Opening Prayer, Invitation to Greeting and singing the Opening Hymn. After Pastor Adam concludes the Pastoral Prayer, the Liturgist proclaims the Scripture.

If you feel comfortable speaking in front of people and feel called to this ministry, please let Pastor Adam know. Tips and training are available.


Church Greeters serve a vital function of expressing the welcome of Christ to those who enter our church building. It may be a simple smile and handshake, It may be eye contact while handing a person a church bulletin, or It may be small talk and an offer of prayer after the service.

  • A friendly smile might change a negative attitude.
  • An expression of compassionate care might calm the nerves of stressed parents.
  • A gentle welcome and genuine conversation may help people feel a sense of connection.

While the simple action alone may not change the world, attentive greeters may help prepare the way for church goers to hear more from the Lord.

Greeters serve a purpose of helping the uncomfortable feel a little more comfortable attending our churches if they are on their quest for the Lord.

Church Greeters also help believers looking for a new home find a welcoming congregation.

Our Greeters also serve as ushers, meeting the needs of the assembly, collecting our offerings and assisting at Communion.