Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
CASH Day (held on the fifth Sunday of the month)
The CASH day fund is what the trustees use to help us complete essential projects at the church. This fund has helped us with the required upgrade to the church sewer system and the Richland township curbing project. We are looking to upgrade the message board at the corner of Oakridge, Leventry and Bedford Roads and to upgrade handicap accessibilty in the church. All of these projects have been essential at improving the facility where we meet as a church. Please consider giving to this important fund.
S.N.O.W. Fund
Winter weather brings added expenses of heating bills and snow plowing. We can use your help in giving a little extra to offset this cost! S.N.O.W Fund envelopes are available in your bulletin during the winter months, or mark a donation envelope at any time as “SNOW Fund” and place it in the offering plate.